Sunday 11 January 2015

Top 10 of 2014

I'm in no doubt that there's going to be many new and exciting products being released over the next 12 months, which made me think about my most used and loved beauty and skin care  products from the year we've just left behind. So without further a do, here's my top 10 products I've been using most last year (in no particular order):

Friday 2 January 2015

January wish list

Let me start this post by saying Happy New year!! It's 2015 and things in my life have changed so much, and all for the better may I add. 
Now I know I'm always saying that I'm going to keep up with my blog, yet I always end up falling back into lazy old habits, but that's not going to happen this time. I mean surely I can be forgiven; a fresh year means a fresh start right? 
So I thought I'd kick things off with a wish list as I haven't done one in forever. Plus it's a nice way to ease myself into getting my blog mojo back!