Wednesday 1 February 2017

Pregnancy and having a stoma

Looks like I'm on a blogging roll, two posts in one week?! Well I do need to make up for lost time I suppose. 

I wanted to talk about the effects that pregnancy has had on my ileostomy. Although I have never been through a pregnancy without having a stoma or Ulcerative Colitis, so really have nothing to compare it with. I thought it may be helpful for others in a similar situation and sitting in anticipation not knowing how their ostomys will be affected by the little people growing inside of us. 

Friday 27 January 2017

Hello 2017!

Okay, so I haven't posted anything for a looong time but I'm finally ready to jump back onto the blogging bandwagon once again. 

A lot has gone on throughout 2016 and it was a pretty awful year over all, as I think most would agree. My bowel twisted AGAIN, resulting in 2 major surgeries in 24 hours, not having any solid food for 14 days and a very infected wound leaving large amounts of fluid in my stomach. It's safe to say that was a pretty awful few months, but I truly believe everything happens for a reason which I will go on to explain. 

Although I went through a horrendous time, the fact I was bed bound in hospital bought me together with a man I fell truly and deeply in love with. It wasn't a very conventional way to start a relationship and we had to go through a lot of stresses and strains until we could eventually be together, but I wouldn't change my hospital experience for the world as that may have meant I would never have gotten to find my soulmate. 

After a complete whirlwind romance we now live together and are expecting our first bundle of joy, who is due in 6 weeks time. 

I thought I'd do some upcoming posts on pregnancy with an ileostomy and having  an inflammatory bowel disease. I'd also like to talk about what pregnancy has really been like and give a complete honest opinion on it, although I know every pregnancy is completely different. 

I've already suffered with a bowel twist in my third trimester, a lot of pain due to a parastomal hernia, pelvic girdle pain and to top it all off a motorbike slashed my leg open the other day. Saying all that I couldn't be happier to be expecting and can't wait to welcome the little man to the world.  So I guess everything that's gone on has ended in a positive which has taught me I can get through anything and the bad times are just temporary. Never did I think I'd be having a baby boy with my best friend and despite all the drama that seems to follow us, we couldn't be happier. 

More blog posts are definitely to come, if not for myself and being able to look back at these, then for others that want someone to relate to. I've found it incredibly difficult to find people going through a similar situation with IBD / stomas / pregnancy etc. 

Here's to making 2017 the best with what we're given and remembering that the best things can come out of the worst times. 

Sunday 11 January 2015

Top 10 of 2014

I'm in no doubt that there's going to be many new and exciting products being released over the next 12 months, which made me think about my most used and loved beauty and skin care  products from the year we've just left behind. So without further a do, here's my top 10 products I've been using most last year (in no particular order):

Friday 2 January 2015

January wish list

Let me start this post by saying Happy New year!! It's 2015 and things in my life have changed so much, and all for the better may I add. 
Now I know I'm always saying that I'm going to keep up with my blog, yet I always end up falling back into lazy old habits, but that's not going to happen this time. I mean surely I can be forgiven; a fresh year means a fresh start right? 
So I thought I'd kick things off with a wish list as I haven't done one in forever. Plus it's a nice way to ease myself into getting my blog mojo back! 

Thursday 27 March 2014

Review: Lancome Gel Eclat Clarifying Cleanser Pearly Foam

First of all I want to apologise for not reviewing anything or blogging at all for that matter for nearly a year now. I've realised I love to write and I love anything beauty related so I need to keep this up, plus I find it really therapeutic and it gives me something to really get my teeth into.
I don't want a lengthy, boring introduction so let's get down to business (& now I have Eminem's song 'Business' in my head).
I wanted to come back with a review as I've collected quite a large amount of products over the last few months so thought a review would be perfect.

I'm the kind of person who really struggles to find a good cleanser and stick to it. I have combination skin, which has pretty much turned into dry skin over the winter months, but no doubt I'll have an oily t-zone over summer (oh, joy). This makes it difficult to find just one cleanser that's going to do what I want it to do throughout the year, so I find myself switching between cleansers and constantly trying out new ones. So, Lancome Gel Eclat Clarifying Cleanser Pearly Foam (what a mouthful!) happens to walk into my life and to be honest I don't want it walking back out anytime soon.

Friday 10 May 2013

Review: MUA Undress Your Skin Shimmer Highlighter

For the past couple of years I've been a big fan of Benefit's High Beam liquid highlighter, but recently I've become more adventurous in the highlighter department and I've tried out a few different ones including Benefit's Girl Meets Pearl and the highlighter included in MUA's Pro Base Conceal and Brighten kit. As I mainly use powder blush I wondered if a powder highlighter would compliment this more than a liquid one; not that I have any complaints about High Beam or any of the liquid highlighters I've been previously using for that matter.
As I was in Superdrug (as usual) I decided to pick up MUA's Undress Your Skin Shimmer Highlighter and give it a go. I often pick up MUA products to try them out as they're so reasonably priced and as the highlighter retails for just £3, I really couldn't say no.

Sunday 28 April 2013

Neon, hot or not?

When someone says 'neon' I automatically think of raves and summer festivals with glow sticks, whistles and a face full of brightly coloured face paint. But take a step back into summer 2012 and neon was popping up on jacket trims and hem lines left right and centre; this trend carried on throughout Autumn/Winter and it looks like it's here to stay making it's biggest appearance yet this Spring/Summer.
I've been known to sport a neon nail during the warm summer months, but nothing anymore daring, that is until I've been noticing neon items and products popping up umongst my beauty products and in my wardrobe recently. Which made me think, am I jumping onto the neon bandwagon without even knowing it?

 Katy Perry & Eylure Colour pop lashes