Friday 10 May 2013

Review: MUA Undress Your Skin Shimmer Highlighter

For the past couple of years I've been a big fan of Benefit's High Beam liquid highlighter, but recently I've become more adventurous in the highlighter department and I've tried out a few different ones including Benefit's Girl Meets Pearl and the highlighter included in MUA's Pro Base Conceal and Brighten kit. As I mainly use powder blush I wondered if a powder highlighter would compliment this more than a liquid one; not that I have any complaints about High Beam or any of the liquid highlighters I've been previously using for that matter.
As I was in Superdrug (as usual) I decided to pick up MUA's Undress Your Skin Shimmer Highlighter and give it a go. I often pick up MUA products to try them out as they're so reasonably priced and as the highlighter retails for just £3, I really couldn't say no.

Sunday 28 April 2013

Neon, hot or not?

When someone says 'neon' I automatically think of raves and summer festivals with glow sticks, whistles and a face full of brightly coloured face paint. But take a step back into summer 2012 and neon was popping up on jacket trims and hem lines left right and centre; this trend carried on throughout Autumn/Winter and it looks like it's here to stay making it's biggest appearance yet this Spring/Summer.
I've been known to sport a neon nail during the warm summer months, but nothing anymore daring, that is until I've been noticing neon items and products popping up umongst my beauty products and in my wardrobe recently. Which made me think, am I jumping onto the neon bandwagon without even knowing it?

 Katy Perry & Eylure Colour pop lashes

Saturday 27 April 2013

Glamour goody bag

About 6 weeks ago whilst sat in my hospital bed, my dad came to visit me and bought some of my post up with him. Within all the boring stuff (including my redundancy letter, cry) there was an offer from Glamour magazine. Basically if I subscribed to Glamour for 12 months I'd get a goody bag worth £40 as well as the obvious monthly mag. I thought this was pretty good as I'd been meaning to subscribe to a monthly magazine, but when I found out I got it all for £9, yes that's £9, how could I say no?
So naturally, as I returned home, I hopped online, entered the code they had supplied me with and paid my £9. The bit I liked the most was there was no direct debit, it was just a simple £9 up front and that was that. Direct debits always tend to scare me slightly because I'm no stranger to forgetting to cancel something when I'm poor, then going overdrawn and into the red!
My goody bag arrived a few weeks later and my first issue of Glamour will arrive in May, then every month following until April 2014, yay! I deffo need some reading material as I'm house bound recovering!

Thursday 25 April 2013

April wish list

Review: MAC Prep & Prime skin base visage.

I've been on the hunt for a good face primer for a while and after trying numerous brands including No 7 and MUA and being fairly disapointed I thought it was time to splash out. Now, I was originally interested in Benefit's Porefessional, but decided against it. The reason being I'd read many mixed reviews and most importantly the price completely put me off. I know I said it's time to splash out but quite frankly £24.50 for 22ml of product is in my opinion, outrageous and I couldn't justify spending that much to try something out.
Anyway, let's get back to the whole point of this post; MAC Prep and Prime. I decided on this one as I was going into MAC anyway, as I'm a bit of a MAC addict and I've never been dissapointed with a product. (How many times can I fit the word 'MAC' into a paragraph, jeez!) It costs £19.50 and you get 30ml of product in the bottle.

Thursday 11 April 2013


Ok, so it's been over a month since I started my blog and posted my introduction.
A few days after I posted I was at work as usual and suddenly started to get a stomach ache which became really intense quite rapidly. I went to sit in the staff room thinking that maybe this was just a small obstruction as I'm quite prone to these after the abdominal surgery I've had, but as the minutes ticked by I knew this was something much more serious. I told my manager I had to leave and after him saying "is it really that bad?" and "you need to get cover first" I called my dad and he picked me up down the road.
The car journey to the hospital was only about 15 minutes but it was truly horrendous; I've experienced this type of pain previously as my bowel's twisted many times before, but this was definitely up there with the worst pain I've ever felt (and believe me, I have a high pain tolerence!).
We got to A&E and my dad went to find a wheelchair, but after waiting around in the car and him not returning I assumed he was having difficulty finding one so I somehow made my way inside the hospital. I was so hot, felt so sick and thought I was going to faint at any given moment as my hands were numb and I couldn't see much. Whilst waiting in A&E I found myself rolling around on the floor and throwing up (which i managed to get in my hair and all over my clothes; nice) whilst everyone stared, so embarrassing!
Anyway to cut a VERY long story short, after being in resus for 4 hours, having A LOT of morphine and gas & air, an NG tube shoved down my throat, a CT scan and a very long night of pain and sickness I had to have emergency surgery due to a parastomal hernia and a twisted bowel; which resulted in a 2 week hospital stay.
I'm back home now recovering and since I've been made redundant I thought I'd get back to the start of my blog as it would be a perfect way to take my mind of things while I'm at home doing absolutely nothing!
I apologise for the length of this post, but as I'm doing things properly I thought it would be appropriate to explain why I haven't posted anything!
Also, I'm very open about my health, especially anything to do with IBD so if anyone has any questions please feel free to ask.
I hope everyone's having a nice day!

Wednesday 6 March 2013


I've been posting on Tumblr for a few years now but I want to start a proper blog as I'm always finding myself buying products and wanting to share a review properly, I just never felt Tumblr was the right place to do it. I'll fill it with reviews, hauls and just general ramblings about products I like or maybe dislike.
This feels exciting!
Autumn xo